Muscle Memory
"Muscle Memory" explores Katie's interest in her mum's past as a bodybuilder, an interest that has existed since a young age. One specific image of her mother bodybuilding in the late 80s, which she would stare at as a child, captured Katies' imagination, and as she got older, she would ask her mother questions and learn stories of her mother's past. When Katie and her mother, Julie, moved house in 2017, Katie saw all the bodybuilding memorabilia, the trophies her mother won, books she used for training, archive imagery, and even the posing costumes and workout clothes she wore. Katie's relationship with Julie is very close and important to her, so she wanted the work to be a shrine to her mother's past and for people to learn how special her mother is.
The images in "Muscle Memory" include photographs from her mother's archive, Katie modelling as a bodybuilder, and recreating her mum's favourite poses. Photographs of recreations of the diet Julie was on when training and heartfelt images of them in Julie's garden in Wales with them both posing together.
The work explores their mother-daughter bond through Julie’s fascinating bodybuilding past. The images are playful, kitsch, and colourful, which mirrors their relationship.
Copyright © 2025 Katie Waite